AI Week takes place from October-5 to October-8, featuring industry leaders showcasing best practices in AI implementation and a series of hands-on workshops and success cases
Zürich, 25 August 2021. Squirro, the Augmented Intelligence solutions provider, has announced the launch of its inaugural AI Week 2021, a virtual event designed to showcase AI best practices and provide interactive masterclasses that enable business and IT leaders to get more from AI and Machine Learning (ML).
AI Week 2021 takes place between 5-October and 8-October and is split into two parts. On the 5th and 6th of October, speakers from international organisations, including Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of England and Armacell, will share their own AI implementation experiences and provide guidance on how to accelerate AI programs. Specific sessions include AI-Driven Banking Customer Service, Turn Your Data Investments into Revenue, and Visionary Women in AI.
Then, from 6-October to 8-October, a series of exclusive executive masterclasses will take place, all designed to enable business and IT executives to get the most from AI and machine learning. A selected group of participants will benefit from hands-on workshops, led by Squirro AI experts, and live case studies from world-leading organisations to learn and understand how to maximise outputs with AI in their organisation.
“AI is fueling lightspeed transformation across industries; revolutionising business strategy, development, and growth,” said Dorian Selz, CEO, Squirro. “AI Week 2021 brings together c-suite speakers of the highest calibre to share best practice expertise gained from their own AI journeys and provides attendees with the chance to understand how best to use AI themselves. Executive masterclass participants will gain the skills necessary to identify opportunities for data science in their business and learn about the tools to prioritise and successfully execute on those opportunities.”
The executive masterclasses at AI Week 2021 will provide business and IT leaders with a range of skills to improve decision-making, extract greater customer insight, and apply AI to challenges within the business. Presented by business and IT leaders, together with Squirro experts vastly experienced in AI rollouts and techniques, the sessions are available across three regions – APAC, Europe, and North America – and will be tailored to specific information provided by the approved applicants beforehand.
“AI and ML provide opportunities across industries and departments, and can make a vast and tangible impact on any organisation,” continued Dorian Selz, Squirro. “Our masterclasses will provide business and IT leaders with insights about best-in-class strategies and guidelines about how to successfully implement AI and ML for the business.”
Registrations for AI Week 2021 are open here, while those interested in participating in the executive masterclasses can apply here.