Statement analysis is a methodology for evaluating the contents of written documents and is also referred to as scientific content analysis. This procedure can be used to evaluate a variety of written materials, such as medical reports, news stories, book reviews, business documents and academic essays.
A typical analysis might include the following steps: data collection, analysis and interpretation, and reporting. In order to perform this analysis properly, it is important that you are familiar with some of the key terms that will be used. Some of these terms are general scientific terms. Others are more specific and pertain to a particular field of study.
The term specific scientific is used in an effort to describe the analysis itself. This means that you will not use it when you are examining the composition of a product or the history of an event. General scientific writing are two separate practices. General scientific writing analyzes facts that may be discovered by means of experimentation or observation, while scientific writing analyzes a phenomenon from an intellectual standpoint. Although both methods have their place, specific scientific writing is better suited to the type of material you are researching.
The term logical content is used in an attempt to describe a specific style of analysis. You should not use this method of analysis to analyze the composition of a product or the history of an event. Scientific writing must have a well-defined style in order to be considered analytical. This means that you must develop a method of presentation and argument in order to provide a logical basis for your information. For example, if you are studying a chemical compound, you would use an approach that makes it clear why the compound is produced in a certain way.
The term narrative analysis refers to the type of analysis where your purpose is to tell a story. Your goal is to present an argument or an explanation using the language and style that you use on a daily basis. The purpose of this technique is not to present a complete history of the information you are presenting, but to establish a context for the material, and to provide an explanation of how it has influenced you.
The term descriptive statement analysis is the next term to describe the method of an analysis where you are trying to understand the meaning of words used in the document. For instance, if you are studying a medical report on how are you attempting to provide an explanation for how a patient feels, or why he or she is feeling the way he or she does? If you are studying a report about a particular brand of toothpaste, you are attempting to make an explanation for why the toothpaste works and what you believe are the benefits of using it. This can be done with reference to an oral health, an essay, a report on a company’s public image and many other types of written materials.
When it comes to the data you are looking at, the term quantitative data is most appropriate. In this type of analysis you are trying to interpret the data in a statistical manner. The objective of the data is to provide an explanation for the results you get from a scientific laboratory or other type of scientific laboratory. For example, if you are studying a newspaper article on a new toothpaste, you are trying to explain the correlation between the ingredients in the toothpaste and whether or not the toothpaste is more effective than its competitors.
Finally, the term typographical analysis is the term for the method of data you are analyzing where the emphasis is on the language used to present the data in question. In the case of a news story, you would not use the same words in your conclusions as you would in a description of a new model of the car that ran out of fuel. You would present it as the new car was used by someone to save their life. Similarly, in data analysis you would describe the data in terms of your findings rather than presenting the data as a means of supporting your conclusions.