
The COVID-19 pandemic and the following lockdowns caught everyone by complete surprise, but it has also turned into a convenient time to organize and simplify your life. Instead of getting bogged down by the thought of it and being lazy, you should use this time to do what you have always wanted to do- declutter your life. So, what better than to organize things, get a fresh perspective and simplify your life.

Be it your home, kitchen, or workspace, keeping things organized is always a juggle on its own. So, let’s get started with some of the easiest DIY organizing hacks and bring some sanity to your place.

Tips to Organize Your Living Room

Are you tired of seeing the same old messy arrangements of your house? You need to target each mess one by one and get your living room organized with these handy tips:
● Nothing makes a living room more comfortable than a cosy pair of a blanket. Keep a table-cum-storage-bin next to your blanket. Whenever you are not using your blanket, quickly fold it and keep it inside the bin.
● Place a decorative tray on your coffee table to keep your TV remote and firestick. They look very messy when lying lazily on the couch.
● Make way for under the couch storage and hide all your unnecessary items inside it. This is sure to keep your living room spacious and clean.
● Loose hanging curtains are a complete no; change your curtains time to time and keep them neatly folded.
● Keep storage bins along the pathway and assign it for a specific use- one for clothes, one for toys, and so on. Moreover, cover them with beautiful wallpapers to add some art to your living room and camouflage your storage.
● If you have a staircase, use the empty spaces under it as an extra closet or bonus storage. Never let any space go wasted.
● Having an unexpected table behind your couch is a fantastic organizing trick. You can simply compile all your books and make it your go-to-bookshelf.
● Make a classic magazine rack and store all your old magazines and newspapers there. Moreover, you can also revamp it to store all your electronic waste products. Trust me, it will save you a lot of space and spare you from those tangling cords lying around.

Tips to Organize Your Workspace

It is a challenge to focus when your workspace is filled with overflowing papers, and you cannot find your important things. These simple organizing tips will help your declutter your workspace and gain more focus.
● Keep a trash can near you to throw away all your waste papers and post-it notes. Without a trash can, you might forget to throw it and create a pile of waste on your workspace.
● Get your life sorted with an untangled wire-zone. With computer wires, chargers and routers, cable clutter is a sad reality. A simple way to get rid of this is to get a cable holder or cute binder clips. Moreover, you can also label your wires and make your life simple.
● Maintain a proper document storage system for all your documents. Place them in specific folders and designate a corner of your deskspace to these. This is a super space-saving track and can help you find your important documents in no time.
● There are so many loose papers, rubber bands, pens, paper clips, etc., that will make way to your desk every day. An effortless option to get away with them is to get a junk jar. All you need to do is stuff everything inside and keep your table clean and organized.
● Ditch the traditional post-it notes and switch to mobile apps for your to-do-lists. It is an easy way to get rid of unnecessary papers in your workspace.
● Make it a habit to clean and organize your workspace every day after work- throw away the extra trash, put your pens back and organize your files- this will really save you a morning headache.
Tips to Organize Your Kitchen
Keeping your kitchen organized in the lockdown might sound impossible. But, with these fantastic tricks, you can really organize your kitchen well.
● Save yourself from a messy kitchen with an over-the-sink cutting board. With all the vegetable peels and juices, you can save yourself from a cleaning disaster. As a bonus, you get to save a lot of space as well.
● Labelling your boxes and jars can save you take guesswork on what’s inside and is a great way to organize your kitchen.
● Spices and herbs take up a lot of space and often makes the kitchen messy with its particles. Dedicate a separate rack, mounted to your wall to store spices. This is one of the easiest ways to utilize unused space and organize your kitchen.
● Use a collapsible rack in your refrigerator for storing wine bottles and save up on space.
● Clean your microwave with warm water regularly to avoid any foul odours and unnecessary mess.
● To avoid your food from turning stale, organize your refrigerator daily and keep a check on everything. Moreover, you can also use magnetic post-it notes on your fridge to track the expiry of your food items and if you need to buy anything.

Tips to Organize Your Life

Decluttering your life can be a difficult task, but let’s start by taking baby steps.
● With a shrinking supply of commodities, the lockdown has given us a chance to reconsider our essentials. You might not be needing a lot of things, which you otherwise thought you would. It is an excellent time to get rid of all the unnecessary things in life.
● A great way to organize your life is to write down your daily and weekly commitments, chores and tasks. Place it near your bed and check it every morning and play your day accordingly.
● If you do not have a set routine of your regular life, you might find it challenging to organize your day. Plan a proper structure and watch your productivity increase manifold.
With these small and simple hacks can make a visible difference to your life, and help you organize it better. So, slip these amazing tricks in your daily life, and get started with organizing anything and everything.