
By: Rahul Gulati- founder and a web strategist at DevignTech

If you are willing to have a website for your business, you may wonder how to make it attractive and easy to access. A website is an essential part of the case of online business.

As the customer does not get to meet the sellers personally, the website becomes their representative. Thus, when a business owner creates their website, they must take care of a few things for their visitors to make them more enthusiastic about their content.

According to the New Survey Data, 28% of the small businesses worldwide do not have a website. However, since the pandemic, the demand for the online presence of enterprises has increased. So, now 44% of online businesses are planning to build a website. They believe it will help them to gain a competitive advantage in the market. As when a company gets their website, they get a chance to promote their brand.

The website has its brand name, logo, and other information, thus, helping in making some potential customers curious about their products and items. The brand can also strategize their product launch and put the offer prices on display to promote their business. It also helps in increasing sales.

While creating a website, you can take the help of the best website makers who can understand the requirements and act upon them. The website home page must be organized and easy to look at to attract customers to your site. The color scheme and use of logos must be catchy.

Apart from this, some specific things can make a website a good representative for a local business. Here is a list of ten items that the website of a local business must have on their homepage:

  • Company logo

Since the brand website strengthens its identity, the company must use its logo on the header section. It can also help to develop brand recognition which can eventually create brand awareness.

Therefore, you must use the company logo and name on the home page of their website. It can make a powerful impact on the mind of visitors.

(Source: https://www.globalreach.com/)

  • Navigation option

The website of a company must be organized, which makes it easy to navigate. When a visitor comes to a website, they must get an opportunity to check what the company has to offer.

If the navigation is not easy and the visitor does not feel comfortable looking through the website content, they may exit it without putting a lot of effort to search for the items they were looking for on the website.

They may miss the items or products in this case. The company website may have a navigation button at one of the top corners.

Below is an example from Slim and Husky’s Pizza Beeria, an excellent example showing what kind of navigation can attract your visitors.


  • Contact information

Local businesses are using the website for developing brand recognition; therefore, you must put your contact information, like mail id, phone number, etcetera. If your company has a physical store, you can also provide the address.

The company can also give their customers some information about themselves. For example, you can add a “know more” link, which will lead to the page where there is a small introduction of the company and the brand is available.

(Source: https://devigntech.com/)

  • Product Details

The website home page must make sure that they clarify what the business has to offer within a few minutes of casual navigation.

Therefore, you can put a bit about their products and services on the home page. As it is not possible to put relevant information about all the products in a single place, you can choose the best products, products with discounts, and newly launched items to put on the home page.

You must place them under proper headlines and sub-headlines. You can also add a link that can take the visitors to the products similar to what they clicked on the home page.

For example, Mirror comes with the sub-headline, “Hiding in Plain Sight!” Since the company is selling gym mirrors, they use a sub-headline that focuses on the selling point. Thus, making the message clear to the audience without wasting much of their time.

(Source: https://www.mirror.co/)

  • CTA

Adding a CTA on the home page is essential, and it appeals to the visitors. CTA stands for the call to action, and you can engage your audience with more content with the help of this CTA. Primarily, the CTAs include the links of the subscription enrollment, product notifications, or contact information.

If you publish newsletters, then you can also add its link. If a visitor clicks on the CTA, they will give more time for the other content of your website.

(Source: https:/ HYPERLINK “https://www.globalreach.com/blog/2017/09/27/8-key-features-your-homepage-should-include”/www.globalreach.com/blog/2017/09/27/8-key-features-your-homepage-should-include)

  • Resource Centre

When a visitor is coming on the website, that does not mean they are willing to buy a product right then. Thus, it is significant to get organic traffic and nurture the leads of the visitors into potential customers. Therefore, the website must maintain a resource Centre.

The Resource Centre will have blogs and ideas related to its products and services. You should update the articles and blogs regularly to create a powerful online presence.

The visitors who are coming on the site looking for a blog may dig deeper. It can help in creating brand awareness. You can also ask your visitors to submit their email ids to receive notifications for blogs.

OpenView offers you an easy-to-navigate Resource Centre, which attracts visitors.

  • Reviews

A customer considers every aspect of the product while buying any products or services a business offers through its website. They may also want to know the experience of the customers who have previously availed of your service or bought a product from you. Hence, you can add the reviews to the description page of the product.

You can ask for feedback from the customers via email. For example, even big online retailers like Xiaomi use reviews of their customers under their products. It can create reliability in the company, and the visitor may want to buy the products.

(Source: https://www.xero.com/us/why-xero/customer-stories/)

Xero US provides an attractive testimonial or review page, with their customers’ images and a short bio.

  • Images

For online businesses and their promotion, creating a robust online presence is very important. You need to put realistic images of your products and services on the page, which can help strengthen your presence and make the company a reliable one.

You must keep in mind that you can take the help of a photographer, or you can click images of your items. But copy-pasting stock photos from the agencies are not a very good idea.

The customers want to get a view of what they are going for, and as a website owner, you should remember this fact. If there is a difference between what they order and what they get, your company loses credibility.


As there are forums where the customers can flock up to share their experience about a brand, this negative review can harm your business.

Hence, stay as realistic as possible, at least try for the same. 4 Rivers Smokehouse curated the Home Page images in a way that emotionally hooks the audience’s attention.

You can also add videos where you are packing an order. You can also ask your customers to post unboxing videos. You can add a link where the visitor will find the customer’s reviews, feedback, and videos.

  • Footer

(Source: https://www.globalreach.com/blog/2017/09/27/8-key-features-your-homepage-should-include)

Just like you are planning the header of the website and adding the logo of your company and your company name, year of establishment, etcetera information, you need to organize the footer of your website.

For an online business, social media accounts play a significant role. Your company can have official pages on Instagram, Facebook, or other social media platforms.

The social media pages allow potential customers to get curious about your company and eventually visit the site.

It is a way to bring organic traffic to the website. At the same time, blogs can bring visitors to your website. You can take them to your social media account pages.

In the footer part, you can add the Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter link of your company so that the person can visit your website if they want to know more about your social media presence.

  • Promotional information and milestones

You can strategically use your websites to promote new products. You may hire a team of marketing professionals to plan a promo to launch a new product.

If you are not willing to spend much money on the launch promotion, you can use your social media platforms. But, ensure that the website home page must have information about the new products and services you are launching.

Promotion of already existing products is also necessary. You can mark the time-limited offers and discounts or coupons on the homepage of the website. In case someone willing to buy the product may feel encouraged to buy it at a reduced price. You can also make combo offers in case of low-priced products often purchased together. You can also plan your promotions and offers to increase your sales.

(Source: )

Again, 4 Rivers Smokehouse has an excellent promotional page for its audience.


Your website is a place where you can add relevant information about your company.

If your company is an experienced one, then you can add the milestones on the home page. For example, a company that has already completed their hundred years can use “With the experience of serving you for a century. ”

If your company is comparatively new, then you can highlight the strengths of your company. For example, if your company has qualified technicians on board, you can mark it as “Innovation is Our Secret!.” Along with this tag, add a few strengths of your company which you think your customers will appreciate.

These are the things that you can add to the homepage of your website. You must keep in mind that your website should represent your company, goals, and business agenda.

A well-built homepage can make the content more engaging for the visitors, and they may feel the need to dig in deeper. You can also hire professional website builders who can offer you more innovative ideas.

About Author

Rahul Gulati is a founder and a web strategist at DevignTech. He helps small businesses make professional websites and apps that follow a minimalist design approach. To tune up your small business website, connect with him on  HYPERLINK “https://www.linkedin.com/in/rahul-gulati-b19a6017/”Linkedin