You can’t get enough sugar however hard you try to cut it out? You feel guilty that you have a sweet tooth? Is this you? Well there is some good news.
Any form of sugar that is not natural or has been processed loses the balanced structure and concentrates the sugars into a form that is highly de-natured, harder for the body to process and can be extremely harmful. When fruits and vegetables are concentrated into juices, dried or used as sugar replacements they have their water removed, are heating (pasteurised) to kill their beneficial bacterias and take on an entirely different molecular form which our bodies need to break down to process. When these concentrated sugars hit our blood stream in large quantities insulin is produced by our pancreas to take the sugar ‘overdose’ out of our blood to avoid us slipping into a coma or other serious implications. Working with a Nutritional Therapist can help support you in transitioning to a healthier way of eating and making different food choices.
Processed foods are ladened with hidden sugars, with hundreds of different names which all lead to a blood sugar spike. Our body converts carbohydrates: grains (wheat, rice, pasta, barley, oats) and potatoes into glucose which spikes our blood sugar, in some cases, higher than refined table sugar does
Refined sugars and dense carbohydrates in the form of grains/potatoes which all need cooking are devoid of hydration, an essential requirement of our every cell. After eating these foods we feel tired as our body needs to use energy to break them down into useable components. As our body is searching for simple sugars to provide energy even when we have eating a high carb meal we rarely feel satisfied.
When you choose to eat from the most natural source to satisfy our body’s needs food cravings diminish. Starting the day on a fruit only breakfast, will not only provide your body with energy for the day but also essential hydration after a nights rest from eating/ drinking and load you with essential nutrition to fuel your day.
By pre-planning you can ensure you always have a (naturally) sweet fruit snack available and providing it is raw and ripe there is an abundance of choice which changes every season. It is true that some fruits contain a higher quantity of sugar than others, but natural sugar in the form of fruit will not add extra weight. Do choose, without guilt, dates, bananas, pineapple, mango, apricots, cherries, strawberries……and know that your body is receiving what it needs to function optimally.
This is where a Wellbeing Coach can help you better understand your body, how it functions and the psychology of eating in order to manage cravings, addictions and destructive behaviours.
Do be aware that there are some food combining rules that are designed to avoid eating foods together which require different digestive processes. Melons should always be eaten on their own as they digest very quickly – in half an hour to an hour. Sweet fruits should not be eaten with acid fruits i.e. don’t combine dates and bananas with lemons or grapefruits as they have different digestive timeframes. Fruit should never be combined with other food groups including vegetables as fruits digest in 1-2 hours. Vegetables take 2-4 hours to digest and can be combined with proteins and carbohydrates (but note the final rule). Never combine proteins and carbohydrates as proteins require an acid stomach and carbohydrates require an alkaline stomach so eating them together neutralises the digestive enzymes leaving the food to ferment in the gut creating alcohol leading to gases, bloating and discomfort. Protein can be eaten with vegetables and Carbs can be eaten in a separate meal with vegetables.
In summary, your food cravings are your body’s way of leading you to choose the food source it requires the most of – fruit in it’s natural form. Craving sugar is not wrong, it is part of our biological design. However, the choice of sugar you consume can lead you to abundant heath – when eaten raw, directly from nature or lead you to excess weight and disease – when consumed from refined products including grains and potatoes. Access Bars is an energy practice that touches 32 points on the head releasing the electro-magnetic charge related to thoughts, feelings and emotions and has helped many people let go of their habits, addictions and points of view towards their body and their food choices.
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