Wednesday 21 September 2022
Setting up a trade body for international management companies is highly impractical, due to the number of countries serviced and the variability of the service and compliance levels in the sector. Consequently, 6CATSPRO, part of WorkwellTMGroup, widely recognised as the leading force in compliant international contractor management, has turned the issue on its head and has launched a new product to help recruiters audit and reduce the risks in contract supply chains while also providing a recognised compliance endorsement.
Through its new product, 6CATSPRO APPROVED, the business is able to provide recruitment firms with a full audit of contractor books and a route map to fix any issues to ensure full compliance across 80+ countries. Following the audit by the global experts, staffing companies will be given a compliance seal of approval that shows end-hirers that the agency is serious about remaining on the right side of international legislation.
This new offering will support those firms that are expanding their global remit as demand for global contractor solutions continues to increase, as well as those looking for investment or preparing to sell the business.
Michelle Reilly, CEO of 6CATS International and founder of 6CATSPRO commented:
“For a number of years, we have considered whether it would be possible for international contractor management providers to have some form of accreditation. After seeking professional advice, the opinion was that it would be too burdensome for an external company to audit, control and monitor compliance of suppliers providing solutions in 80+ countries around the world. But with demand for international contractor solutions growing, we knew a better option needed to be found. We rethought how we could offer our agencies complete reassurance that the contractors they manage are compliant and so 6CATSPRO APPROVED was formed.
“Having a recognised badge of compliance in the recruitment sector that shows end clients their agency is serious about keeping them safe – and audited by trained experts – will really help the international contractor market. Perhaps more importantly, though, it will help recruitment firms stand out!”