London – Datacenter Pricing, the specialists in worldwide Data Centre research, has launched a new report identifying the Top 10 Trends in the European third-party Data Centre market. The new research highlights the rapid increase in Data Centre capacity and revenues taking place in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In the ” ‘Reshaping European Data Centre Market 2022 and beyond’ Report, Datacenter Pricing identifies the Top 10 Key Trends ” taking place over the next 4 year period impacting Data Centres}. The report provides a forecast for Data Centre raised floor space, Data Centre Customer Power (DCCP), Data Centre Pricing & Data Centre Revenues across the region and identifies the largest key Data Centre city Metro Markets.
The key findings are:
1. The largest markets remain as the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and France: The largest Data Centre markets are buoyed by having the largest so-called FLAP Metro Markets (including Frankfurt, London/Slough, Amsterdam and Paris) which account from 50% up to 75% of Data Centre capacity in each country market.
2. The main growth in Data Centre capacity will take place in Tier II Metro Markets: The Tier II Metro Markets – outside of the traditional FLAP markets – are set to see the fastest capacity growth from a low initial starting point. In particular, the Barcelona, Milan and Rome Metro Markets are forecast to triple the amount of Data Centre power over the next four years with a further eleven Metro Markets set to double their power capacity over the same period.
3. New Hyperscale Data Centres are being introduced that will transform the Tier II Metro Markets: New large campus Data Centres are being introduced into Metro Markets in the cities of Barcelona, Berlin, Madrid, Milan, Warsaw and Zurich – with Data4 Group introducing a 50 MW campus in Warsaw, Merlin Properties introducing a 20 MW facility (scalable up to 100 MW) in Barcelona and Vantage Data Centers launching a 40 MW facility at Winterthur near Zurich.
4. Data Centre supply is being boosted by new Private Equity investment: New Data Centre projects across the EMEA region are being promoted by private equity funds, attracted to previously “under-served” markets including Poland, Spain, Portugal, South Africa and Italy – where Cloud & Hyperscale investment is still at early stage – but where the gains to the first Data Centre mover may be significant.
5. European Data Centre revenues are forecast to increase by more than 60% over the 4-year period to 2026: The growth in revenues comes from a mix of growth in new Data Centre capacity, higher utilisation levels and a moderate increase in rental pricing – along with annual price escalators and recent power price increases.
6. The impact of the demand for Data Centre Power is creating serious environmental concerns: The amount of Data Centre Power required for new Hyperscale facilities is becoming a serious concern. In Offenbach, near Frankfurt, the introduction of the proposed CloudHQ Hyperscale Datacenter alone will consume as much power as the entire Offenbach region. And in Dublin Data Centres are forecast to account for up to 27% of all power grid consumption with Irish national grid operator Eirgrid imposing a moratorium on new Dublin Data Centre power connectivity from January 2022 until 2028.
7. Spain is the Data Centre market (dominated by the Madrid Metro) which will start to challenge the established Metro markets. Spain, outside the traditional FLAP (Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam & Paris) Data Centre markets, is forecast by Datacentrepricing to have the third highest number of new Data Centre projects in Europe after the UK and Germany. The Spanish market currently has 17 x third-party Data Centre projects under construction – with facilities being developed in the Madrid area – followed by Barcelona and other individual cities.
As European Data Centre markets reach maturity there is less space and power available for new facility developments. One solution is to expand Data Centres in lower cost Tier II markets where land is more widely available and power more abundant.
Finally, the new report highlights the advantages of the Nordics region as a location for power hungry applications – with abundant low-cost renewable energy available addressing environmental concerns using free cooling in a cool climate providing a reduced PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) ratio than for the other traditional Metro Markets.